Friday, November 11, 2005

Vertical axis wind turbines

After 10 years of prototyping, wind tunnel testing, patenting, and tweaking, Ron Taylor of Cheyenne (windy) Wyoming is ready to take his vertical axis wind turbine into commercial production. Design creates pull on the back side contributing to 40%+ wind conversion efficiencies. Because it spins at wind speed, it doesn't kill birds, and it runs more quietly. It also doesn't need to be installed as high, and it can withstand significantly higher winds (can generate in winds up to 70 mph, compared to ~54 mph tops for propeller designs). Generating costs estimated at 2.5 cents per kilowatt-hour, putting it in the lead pocket-book-wise not just of wind and solar, but of conventional power as well. Production prototype completion expected in 5-7 months.

2.5 cents per kW-hour = 1 Re per kW-hour. Ofcourse, I shouldn't be simply converting, but this is cheap energy for sure! It is perfect for India - no need to extend the grid into villages - just put up a bunch of turbines in each village to have an independent mini-grid.


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