Saturday, December 17, 2005

The despairing infrastructure

There are all sorts of conflicts going on in the WTO about opening up foreign markets for agricultural produce from developing countries, but the government of these countries certainly has a lot of homework to do before that. Banana production is abundant in Central American countries but there is no infrastructure to transport these bananas. Plus, there is extensive red tape involved as well. Indian exporters need some 22 signatures on 10 documents, and sometimes over a month of transit time, to export any of their goods. Not even export, but even for circulation within the country, do you recall the food scam from 2003 where granaries in Bihar were overstocked with material but people were dying of hunger in Orissa.

A lot of homework needs to be done. Elimination of red tape by automation and IT, construction of better roads for transport, getting goods to and from the railway stations, and communication infrastructure for setting the right prices are just a few things that are needed.


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