Friday, December 30, 2005

Voxiva: connecting you and your world

Such a simple solution to such a complex problem - I am highly impressed. The problem is as follows: How do you communicate about disease outbreaks or thefts or other events in remote rural areas to the proper agencies, so that they can take prompt and appropriate action? The solution is to unify whatever infrastructure exists - cellphones, landlines, SMS, fax, email - through information technology and use that to report back incidents. Voxiva hands out scratch cards that carry information of what phone numbers to dial, or what email addresses to write to, and their backend office processes these reports to detect false alarms, clusters the reports together, and notifies the proper authorities to take appropriate action.

Could this be the answer to extending the global brain into rural areas through village kiosks and other means, and use it to put media into the hands of the people for a better and truer democracy? Viplav, are you listening?

A report from the University of Michigan prepared by Dr. C. K. Prahlad and his students.


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