Friday, January 13, 2006

Fuel efficient stoves

The Aprovecho Research Center supports research and implementation of fuel efficient, low emission, cooking and heating stoves, that can not only reduce the indoor and outdoor pollution effects, but also cut down on the amount of fuel needed. Cooking demonstrations in North Darfur have educated women on reducing the amount of wood to half!

Other areas of focus include forestry with selective thinning of trees rather than clear cutting, ecological restoration of areas impacted by logging, watershed maintenance, and other collateral activity like seed collection and vine plantings. They also promote organic gardening, which includes home grown food, composting, inter-planting, and wild edible foraging.

WorldChanging also reported on the work at MIT on healthy fuel, that does lesser respiratory damage to the people using it. This includes fuel produced from bagas, which is the waste left after extracting sugar from sugarcane. And how cowdung fires in India can be made to release less smoke by bundling together with wheat straw.


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